SDL Trados 2007

- High quality translation

- Save time editing

- Increase translation consistency

- Work with many file formats

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Our company has a constant demand for the experienced professional translators in all languages. We currently provide translations of main languages over a wide range of subject areas (legal, marketing, technical, etc.).If you are interested in joining our professional translation team, we will be happy to consider you for a position of a freelance translator. To qualify for the position you should have relevant linguistic education. We hope for our long-term and beneficial cooperation with you. Freelance and interpreters who expert in English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Netherlandish, etc.

1. Full time translators and editors: 1 position

2. Freelance translator: many positions


University graduate

Be able to translate any above languages and master in such majors as Technology, Medicine, Literature, Economy, Finance, Construction, Informatic Technology, etc.

Skillful at communication with foreigners confidently

Working hours:

- Freelance: flexible

- Official staffs: from 8 a.m to 5 p.m

Salary: negotiable

Candidates are interested in these positions, please forward your documents to:

Nhat Phuc Translation Company Limited

93 Cong Hoa Street, Tan Binh District,Ho Chi Minh City



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